Thursday, April 8, 2010

MS Walk

My mother has MS, also known as Multiple Sclerosis. It's a chronic, degenerative disease that causes your immune system to attack your nervous system. This can cause severe muscle spasms, blindness, vertigo and will eventuallyleave the person paraplegic.

Every year the MS Society has MS Walks that they use to generate donations to help further research into helping cure MS. My mother has started a team, which she has dubbed Sherry's Angels, that, with the help of her walker, will be participating in the MS walk this year.

Through my job I'm creating T-Shirts for my mom's team. Here's the angel I did for them with a few tweaks to the color just for fun.

If anyone is interested in the walk or just wants to donate here's the MS Society's website:

Or you can feel free to contact me with any questions. Any help anyone can give is greatly appreciated.

All the best.

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